Open today from 09:00 until 18:00| Café open today from 10:00 until 17:00

Garden Plants

Here we hope you will find all the plants you need to create your perfect garden, whether you are looking for shrubs to add structure, perennials for year-on-year seasonal colour or some alpines to add to a decorative basin or rock garden. Whatever you are looking for, we have a wide range of stock available online and even more in our stores. If you're looking for something in particular that you don't see here, drop us an email, give us a call or contact us via our site, and we'll do our best to source it for you from one of our many local partners.

Please be aware, when ordering, that some of our more fragile and tender plants are only available in store or for purchase via click 'n' collect. This is simply because they would not transport well via a courier and we only want our customers to receive plants in the best possible condition.

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