Open today from 09:00 until 18:00| Café open today from 10:00 until 17:00

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St Patrick's DayWe would just like to wish all our customers a very happy St. Patrick's Day! We hope you all enjoy whatever you have planned for the day and if you do have time to fit us into the festivities we'd obviously love to see you as this is a great time of year to get some jobs done in the garden.

We're finally starting to see the signs of spring, with clearer skies, leaf-buds emerging on shrubs and early flowering perennials like daffodils and primulas giving us some welcome spring colour. Spring is the perfect time to start planting shrubs, trees and perennials as it allows them to become more established before the summer, when the weather becomes dryer (we hope!).

For those who like to grow their own fruit and veg, this week is also traditionally the week to start planting those first early seed potatoes. If you are looking to grow potatoes this year you may be interested in reading our quick guide here >>>

Finally, if your looking to just get out of the house and have a nice home-made lunch or a coffee, our Café in Boyle will be open from Midday until 5pm.

Whatever you decide to do we wish you all the best and have a great day!

Cover image of an AI Kitten generated by Dmytro from Pixabay - *no real kittens were harmed, or made to wear hats during the making of this image.